Goals and Non-Goals


  • Full sops encrypted file compatibility. Decrypt any sops supported format using rops and vice versa.
  • Be consistent in how credentials are used, set and retrieved across integrations.
  • Disincentivize unsecure operations.
  • Support standard input (stdin) as an alternative to file paths whenever possible.
  • Available as a rust library.
  • Support a wide variety of file formats and integrations.
File formatsIntegrations
✅ YAMLage - Asymmetric
✅ JSONaws_kms - Symmetric 1
✅ TOML 2pgp 3
❎ INIgcp_kms
❎ ENVazure_kv
❎ BINARYhashicorp_kv

The difference between asymmetric and symmetric integrations is later explained in the concepts chapter.


AWS KMS effectively becomes a symmetric encryption scheme when it requires private credentials to a remote encryption service, even if that service uses asymmetric encryption internally.


Currently exclusive to rops.


Awaiting status update for: OpenPGP Crypto Refresh.


Preliminary Non-Goals

This list includes a collection of SOPS features which are currently not under consideration to be included in rops. Nothing here is set in stone, so feel free to open up an issue if there’s anything you don’t agree with 🙂

  • The --output flag: Use rops decrypt > FILE_NAME instead?

  • Partial retrieval: Use rops decrypt FILE | jq instead?

  • Partial modification: Use rops edit or rops decrypt FILE | jq map | rops encrypt --format FORMAT instead? This will unfortunately skip initialization vector reuse of unchanged values.

  • The --ignore-mac flag: Deemed too insecure. rops files are instead encouraged to be placed under and then recovered with version control systems such as git.

  • Manual key rotation (--rotate/-r): rops will automatically rotate the secret data key upon integration key id removal.

  • Integrated formatting configuration: Might be better achieved by piping output through more powerful formatters.

  • Integrated secrets publishing: This too might be better handled externally.

  • rops as a remote key service: Possibly as a separate crate+binary conforming to KMIP 2.1 or higher.

  • Access logging: Better handled by the respective integrations for now. Might become relevant to include in the remote key service.

Currently missing features

  • Sub-process secret passing.
  • Key groups.
  • Storing file comments.
  • Compute an additional MAC over active integration keys to prevent against manual removal without rotating the secret data key. (Currently not done by SOPS either.)
  • Specify keys by --key-file INTEGRATION PATH flag.
  • Show decrypted metadata with --show-metadata/-s. (Note that directly modifying the metadata will most likely break its integrity and prevent future decryption.)
  • Integration sub-features such as AWS Profiles, Roles and Context.